A Letter from Pastor Logan
Dear friend,
I am so glad that God has placed me in this community and given me the opportunity to serve you and your family. My desire is to be a blessing to each and every person in Dallas Pike, Triadelphia, Wheeling, and beyond that God would bring.
I encourage you to reach out to me if you have any spiritual questions or concerns. I may not immediately know the answer, but I know the one who does.
So many people in the world today suffer from loneliness, addiction, depression, anxiety, and hopelessness. They try gimmick after gimmick and just can't seem to find the answer for what ails them. I'm glad I can tell you that no matter what you are going through, no matter how deep you are in despair, the answer to your problem is Christ.
You see; the Bible is clear. Each and every one of us has sinned and fallen short of God's standard (Romans3:23). In fact if we're honest we often fall short of our own. We expect so much from others, but we don't hold ourselves to those same standards. In Romans 6:23 the bible says that because we've sinned we stand guilty before God and worthy of death and torment in Hell, but God showed us his love by sending Jesus Christ to die on the Cross of Calvary to pay for our sin debt. He died, was buried, rose from the grave after three days, and was seen by upwards of 500 people at one time. He ascended to the right-hand of God the Father and now sits making intercession for you and me, waiting for all of those that would repent and trust him to come.
Salvation is simple, so simple in fact that a child can receive it. We must:
1. Admit that we've done things that are contrary to God's laws. (Telling a lie, stealing a pen, getting mad at people in traffic all of these things are sin.)
2. Believe that Jesus went to the cross to pay for your sin, was buried, and rose from the grave.
3. Feel true remorse for and turn away from your sins. Ask God to forgive you and to cleanse you and help you to live a clean life for his name's sake.
If you'll do these things, you can be saved and live eternally in Heaven where there is no sorrow, where there is no pain, where there is no sin, where there is peace, joy and contentment forevermore.
I encourage you to trust Christ today. If you have trusted Christ, I would be delighted beyond believe to begin helping you in your spiritual journey. I'm a firm believer that we can have fun and grow closer to Christ every single day. Church and the Christian life don't have to be boring. You can ask the folks in the church, I am a chemist, and I like to catch things on fire, blow stuff up, and have a joyous time in Jesus.
If there's ever anything I can do to help you in any way. Reach out and I'll do my very best to help you. I truly love this community, and I want to see folks get the help that Jesus brings.
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Logan Ramsey